We're Making A Difference

by Jana Maturi, A Proud Parent
"I have two teenage girls, one is a senior, and the other is an eighth-grader. They both hate math, and my senior failed the Math Exit TAKS. "
"I hired Kenneth to help my daughters and another teen who had failed the Math TAKS five times. After spending three hours with Kenneth, their confidence level soared, and all of my girls passed the TAKS."

by Pam Haley, A Loving Parent
"My daughter had failed the Math TAKS four times and was in serious jeopardy of not graduating. She hated math, and many tears had been shed because of it."
"I hired Kenneth, though my daughter was reluctant. After the first session, she walked out smiling, and I knew Kenneth made a difference. My daughter passed the Math TAKS the very next time and is in college."
What Area of Algebra Does Your Child Or Student Need Help With?
Testimonials from Administration

Principal Lancaster High School
Roosevelt Nivens

Assist. Principal Lake Highlands High School
Ramona Powers

Head Football Coach Garland High School
Jeff Jordan
Check to see if this program is for you or your learner?
We believe this program is for you or your learner if you:
- Want to start teaching your child certain algebra concepts as early as 3 years old.
- About to enter middle school, junior high or high school.
- Unprepared for the coming school year or math exams in algebra.
- Want to help your learner but don't understand some Algebra concepts
- Desires to learn an easier way to solve algebra problems
- Feel current after school math programs aren't helping.
- Concerned about the long-tern success of your learner.
- Unchallenged, or bored, and needs to regain a passion for math that will allow success in higher order mathematical ability.
- Home schooling your learners.
- Struggling to pass the math portion of the Generalist test.
- Taken or going to take developmental math at your local Community College.
- Looking to improve your algebra abilities or scores on state mandatory test.

Testimony from Public Officials

Municipal Court Judge
Billy Mazur
"I put my grandson, who struggles with Math, in your system. He did if for about an hour and he liked it!"
Watch: Judge Mazur - Pt 1
Watch: Judge Mazur - Pt 2
Program Instructor
Kenneth Everett
As a math enthusiast and consultant, Kenneth Everett is a champion for student involvement and personal success for over thirty years. After receiving an Associate's degree from Richland College (1976), Everett finished his Bachelor of Science degree in Math and Psychology at East Texas State University in 1978. Shortly after, Kenneth Everett began teaching at Dallas ISD, and continued serving the Dallas community for over thirty years. He possesses Lifetime Texas Teacher Certification and currently holds Provisional Certification in Math and Psychology.
Today, Kenneth spends time introducing his Kenneth Everett Math Revolution (No Pencil No Paper No Calculator) algebra program to students, parents, teachers, principals, school districts and mayors of cities.
Learn more
Frequently Ask Questions
What's the earliest age my child can start with your courses?
You can start teaching your child certain algebra concepts with the Kenneth Everett Math Revolution as early as 3 years old.
How does it work?
Kenneth Everett's Math Revolution is an Algebra program consisting of Algebra courses that cover certain algebra concepts that students struggle to understand.
Students will have the pleasure to complete course lessons, quizzes, and activities online anywhere and anytime.
New course lessons and quizzes will be added when needs or improvement insights develop.
My child is about to enter middle school. Would your course be able to help?
Yes. Our lessons help kids who are about enter middle school, junior high or high school.
My children are homeschoolers. Would this be right for them?
Absolutely. Our lessons are perfect for homeschoolers learning algebra.